Anthi & M is a love story that began on the Island of Montreal in late 2020 to early 2021, occurring online on an odd writing platform called Medium, which I, M, joined near the end of July 2020 but eventually mostly left on the last day of 2021 for a number of reasons, which are not the topic of this story but that will be surely mentioned, although only partly, at some points along the way.
I know that I was fortunate to have “met” a Greek writer on Medium, followed by a Greek Goddess, and to have then fallen in love with Greece. But the country, the place, the state of mind, turned out to be a woman. I found myself both laughing and crying while writing many parts of this story, which spans over a period of a year; perhaps several months more if I also include some of its traces in a significant number of preceding weeks.
I am still unsure about the true originator of my love for Greece. Life’s complexity dictates that it must have ranged along a continuum of causes all conducting to the same effect, except that Greece turned out to be a woman of substance, an Athena of this world, a living goddess who captured both my mind and its connected chest. The heart is but a blood pump since feelings begin in the brain and are then felt within the chest. Mine tends to flood when she is near, whether within or in reality.
I feel blessed by the gods of yore, especially Goddess Athena, as you will discern throughout this extraordinary story in which love appears on the stage and never forsakes it. M falling in love in Greece, and certainly several months before arriving to Athens, with a character called Anthi, who was based on this Greek writer, namely, the unparalleled, Anthi Psomiadou, is one of the main topic of this website and blog.
But who is M? you may be wondering. You will have to read the Anthi & M story to find out, which will also appear in the form of a novel titled, Greece Is My Anthi, in May 2024, followed by the sequel titled, Anthi & M Ensemble, in September 2024.