I am Patrick M, but I seem to prefer M for some unconscious reason.

Come on, M!

OK, Patrick! I just dislike Saints.

Come on!

M sounds better than Patrick.

It is subjective, M.

I know it too well and stop interfering! I know that it reads Patrick M at the top of every story and almost everywhere else, but M is the only writer here given that Patrick is still living in a dreamworld with Goddess Athena.

And you live with Anthi.

Am I?

Santa Claws

Santa Claws (2005) – A novel about everything (Current Edition: 2020)



Forty-Four Forever (2009) – A novel about unbearable loss (Current Edition: 2024)


Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business (2012) – A novel about revenge (Current Edition: 2024)



Strings (2012) – Nine short stories revolving around strings (Current Edition: 2024)


Freaking Forty-Four

Freaking Forty-Four (2013) – A novel uniting Forty-Four Forever and Unfinished Business (Current Edition: 2024)


If This Is an Animal

If This Is an Animal (2018) – A novel about consequences (Current Edition: 2020)


In the Heat of the Forest

In the Heat of the Forest (2022) – Over 70 pieces (prose and poetry) about trees (Current Edition: 2024)


AI May Be Our Only Hope

AI May Be Our Only Hope (2022) – 280 pieces (prose and poetry) about AI (Current Edition: 2024)


Shakespeare’s Pussy

Shakespeare’s Pussy (2022) – Over 180 short stories and poems about love, lust, and a female Shakespeare (Current Edition: 2024)


Muse Blues

Muse Blues (2023) – Over 100 short stories and poems about my muses and muses in general (Current Edition: 2024)


Greece Is My Anthi (2024) – A book (prose and poetry) about the love between Anthi & M


Anthi and M Around Greece

Anthi and M Around Greece (2024) – A book (prose and poetry) about the continuing love between Anthi & M as they tour most of Greece


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M – Qui de Nous deux (Who of Us Two)